Tuesday, May 01, 2007

A Special Day

Dear Friends,
Today is a special day for our family. This is the one year anniversary of Sherrie’s stem cell transplant. She has now been cancer free for one year. She has been truly blessed, “Praise the Lord”!
Without our Heavenly Father watching over us, we couldn’t have gotten through these past two years. He gave us strength through our wonderful family and friends that were always there for us. We had many trying times when we didn’t know what our next step was going to be, but through lots of prayers, He always lead us through the right path. He gave Sherrie the best doctors, nurses and the best facility where she was treated. He also gave Sherrie the ultimate strength to get through this on a daily basis. When we think of how many times she was poked & prodded throughout the day, and how very sick she was, I know God was always watching over her. He gave her unbelievable strength to keep smiling. In her weakest moments she always managed to smile. She is truly the strongest and bravest person we know.

Dear Heavenly Father we thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed upon Sherrie & our family. Please continue to bless Sherrie with good health throughout her lifetime, and keep her cancer free. We also thank you for hearing our cries of help during Sherrie’s illness, and answering all of our prayers. In Your Name, Amen.
Gary & Gloria


Anonymous said...

Yes, a blessing! Sherrie lives to inspire!

Anonymous said...

Love Jan