Sunday, April 22, 2007

Happy Sunday!

Hey There!
For those of you in the Midwest, what a beautiful weekend we have had! It is so nice to see sunshine, and wear sandals. I think the weather is supposed to change again this week, but we have been blessed!

Things are going really well. I have been kind of hiding under a dark cloud for a little bit (I think the Winter hangover could be to blame!) I think this boost of Spring is good enough to get a spring in everyones step!

Another very exciting is baseball season again! Here is a pic from the Cubs opening day!

Tomorrow morning, I meet with Jane Winter for a check-up. I think everything is going okay. I have been itching a bit (which is a classic Hodgkin's symptom) but it could just be change in weather. I am very concerned about my hormonal levels though. I have been off of Estrogen because we are trying to determine if I am really in menopause. The last time my levels were checked, they were very menopausal. Plus, I have been having symptoms of that. Let's hope they drastically change for the better!



Anonymous said...


I will be downtown at University of Chicago also at a Dr. appt. Please keep me posted on your day and I will do the same!

Thinking of you,

Anonymous said...

Hi Sherrie!

I'll be thinking about you tomorrow! Keep us posted!

Lots of love to you!

xoxo Kristin