Friday, January 12, 2007

Good News, I think?

I talked to Dr. Streicher, the new Ob-Gyn I saw, and she had the results of my hormone levels which would determine if I have beginning ovarian functioning or not. The levels are extremely surprising!

In July, when I had the levels tested, my doc said that they showed I was in the latent stages of menopause and would never recover. He then put me on an estogen/progesterone patch to make my bones stronger and curb menopausal symptoms.

After being on the patch for 5 months, I had the levels tested again. In November, the levels were even worse, and showed that I was in menopause.

But then I got my period, and my PET scan showed my left ovary glowing a bit. The radiologist at the time, said that my ovary was lighting up because I could be re-gaining ovarian function!

Well now the levels are showing wacky things! My Estrodiol level (three different estrogens mixed) in November was less than 10 which is majorly menopausal. Now, a little less than two months later, my estrogen level is at 146! My LH level still says I am menopausal, and my FSH level shows that I am in the later stages of menstruation before menopause! I don't know what to think!

I am going to stay off the hormones for a few more weeks, and have my levels tested again when I see Dr. Winter on February 1.

Some not so great news....A wonderful man, named Frank Fromm who worked with my Dad for 15 years passed away yesterday. He was a driver for the business, and would make deliveries. He was well over 80 years old when he stopped working at RT, but he was so strong. I loved him so much! He was such a talker! I remember when I was teaching in Buffalo Grove and I would run to Deerfield's Bakery for lunch. I would see an RT car sitting in the parking lot. I would walk in, and Frank would be socializing with all of the ladies and having coffee and doughnuts. I used to tease him that he was on a perpetual coffee break. He was such a nice man, and I am so upset that he has passed away.

Have a fun weekend! Rainy, sleety, icy, snowy and cold if you are in Chicago!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are a toughcookie and loved very much.