Thursday, September 21, 2006


Hey Everyone!
Sorry long time, no post! I have just been running around Barrington. I started physical therapy again tonight because my leg is still not that great. I am still walking up every single stair one step at a time. Hopefully, my insurance will approve all of my visits!

I wanted to let you all know about a couple of websites. One is, and the other is These are the blogs from two girls I have been following throughout my entire illness. Alese is a doll, she and I have spoken on the phone, and she is dealing with her third bout of Hodgkin's. The other girl is a leukemia survivor who writes for Glamour magazine. She also wrote a book about her cancer experience called, "My So Called Normal Life." It highlights what it is like for a young person to have cancer. As if her poor family didn't have enough with her being sick, after a year or two after her diagnosis, her sister was diagnosed with Hodgkin's and then relapsed. She had a stem cell transplant, and is now doing great!

I have my very good friend Chris' bachelorette party tomorrow and then on Saturday, I head to San Diego for a week. When I come back, I am standing up in my friends wedding, and then I have Fall Fest in Door County the next weekend. I drop in to see Dr. Winter, and then I am back in San Diego for the rest of the month of October! I think if I have counted correctly, Chris and I will see each other 6 weekends in a row (and a few weeks). Not bad for a long distance relationship!

I posted a picture of my little baby sister Katie. She just got asked to homecoming this week. Awwww!

Talk to you soon!


Anonymous said...

well isn't THAT just lovely i go to your website and discover a giant picture of MYSELF

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hello. just checking in after a long time. good to see that you are well. are you planning on going back to work soon now that you are much better?


your cousin, nicole.

Sherrie said...

Hi Nicole!
I cannot go back to teaching yet as I have no immunizations. I won't get immunized for about a year. I am doing some little things for my Dad, and around the house. I am also planning a big fundraiser for orphans in Africa with my friend Barb. And, I am traveling to San Diego every couple of weeks, so that keep me busy!

Anonymous said...

hello, sherrie. i am glad you are able to spend time doing things that are important to you. good to see that you are able to travel. i figured your immunity would not be up to speed for that considering all the germs on a plane. just drink a lot of airborne or emergin c and bring some hand sanitizer. maybe you could move to california! i can't wait to move back.

oh, been meaning for too long of a time to send you something; been swamped. will get it out this week.
