Tuesday, August 29, 2006

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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Tuesday, August 22

Hi Everyone!
I just wanted to let you know that my final report with my CT scan was compared to the previous scan, and my liver lesion is gone! My CT scan was clean! This is very exciting news. I have my PET scan the day after Labor Day when I return from San Diego. I am having a very fun time with Chris and his family, although it is hard during the day when he is working. This past weekend, we took the RV and boat to the Colorado River boating. We had so much fun swimming, playing in the sand, learning how to play horseshoes and going tubing.

We have a fun week planned this week because we are going to the Padres game tomorrow night, and I have plans to see my friend Ashlee on Thursday. On Friday night, we are going with Chris' entire family and many friends to a YMCA fundraising event on the aircraft carrier called the Midway. And then on Saturday , we are going to Disneyland to celebrate our one year anniversary. Time flies when you are having fun! I will post some pictures soon!


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Lizzie's Birthday

Here is a pic of my fabulous sister Lizzie at her 21st birthday party at Bordo's in Lincoln Park. She is going back to college for her senior year on Friday:(
this is an audio post - click to play

Monday, August 14, 2006

this is an audio post - click to play

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Tuesday August 8, 2006

Hey Everyone!
Long time, no talk! I just wanted to let you know that tomorrow is my Day +100 days after my stem cell transplant. Can you believe it?
I was cleared to fly last week so I jumped on a plane and went to visit Chris in San Diego last Tuesday. We had a very fun time. When he was working, I had his car so I went to the beach and shopping on Coronado, Del Mar and at Fashion Valley.
This past weekend, we drove up to the wine country in Temecula and stayed in a beautiful suite at a B&B. On Sunday night, we went to see Olivia Newton John. It was so fun!
I flew home and drove up to Door County yesterday. I come home on Sunday for some tests at Northwestern, and then back to San Diego on Wednesday.
My tests next week consist of a CT scan of my liver to make sure the lesion has not changed. I am also getting a Doppler of my leg to make sure that my blood clot is gone!
Talk to you soon,