Hey Everyone!
Sorry long time, no post! I have just been running around Barrington. I started physical therapy again tonight because my leg is still not that great. I am still walking up every single stair one step at a time. Hopefully, my insurance will approve all of my visits!
I wanted to let you all know about a couple of websites. One is alesecoco.org, and the other is http://www.glamour.com/lifestyle/blogs/editor. These are the blogs from two girls I have been following throughout my entire illness. Alese is a doll, she and I have spoken on the phone, and she is dealing with her third bout of Hodgkin's. The other girl is a leukemia survivor who writes for Glamour magazine. She also wrote a book about her cancer experience called, "My So Called Normal Life." It highlights what it is like for a young person to have cancer. As if her poor family didn't have enough with her being sick, after a year or two after her diagnosis, her sister was diagnosed with Hodgkin's and then relapsed. She had a stem cell transplant, and is now doing great!
I have my very good friend Chris' bachelorette party tomorrow and then on Saturday, I head to San Diego for a week. When I come back, I am standing up in my friends wedding, and then I have Fall Fest in Door County the next weekend. I drop in to see Dr. Winter, and then I am back in San Diego for the rest of the month of October! I think if I have counted correctly, Chris and I will see each other 6 weekends in a row (and a few weeks). Not bad for a long distance relationship!
I posted a picture of my little baby sister Katie. She just got asked to homecoming this week. Awwww!
Talk to you soon!
well isn't THAT just lovely i go to your website and discover a giant picture of MYSELF
hello. just checking in after a long time. good to see that you are well. are you planning on going back to work soon now that you are much better?
your cousin, nicole.
Hi Nicole!
I cannot go back to teaching yet as I have no immunizations. I won't get immunized for about a year. I am doing some little things for my Dad, and around the house. I am also planning a big fundraiser for orphans in Africa with my friend Barb. And, I am traveling to San Diego every couple of weeks, so that keep me busy!
hello, sherrie. i am glad you are able to spend time doing things that are important to you. good to see that you are able to travel. i figured your immunity would not be up to speed for that considering all the germs on a plane. just drink a lot of airborne or emergin c and bring some hand sanitizer. maybe you could move to california! i can't wait to move back.
oh, been meaning for too long of a time to send you something; been swamped. will get it out this week.
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