We met with Dr. Winter today. My scans were clean except for one tiny little spot near my liver. I am having 3 CT scans tomorrow to rule out the disease. Dr. Winter thinks it is highly unlikely that it is the Hodgkin's because all of the cancer all over the bone was resolved. So now we have to wait a few more days for a total clean bill of health. I know that God was the force that brought me to where I am, and he will continue to keep me in his care and allow me to have a long and satisfying life. That is one of his promises and I am going to keep believing that! So hopefully my little "spot" is nothing serious and I can move on with my recuperation. It has been a long year!
PS...This is a recent snapshot of my sisters and I. My brother Gary must have been wailing on his guitar when we took this!:)
Hi Sherrie!
That is such good news!! And you look so cute in that picture! I love Lizzie's haircut, too, by the way. We should get together here in Chicago soon. I'll be around all week next week so give me a call if you're up for getting some dinner or something! 773-816-6598.
GREAT news on your scans...
Today was the last day of school!!! Yeah!!! Give me a call (when you get a chance) so we can do "lunch". My thoughts and prayers are with you always..
Love always,
Hi Sherrie,
Glad to hear the good news. I will continue to pray for a complete recovery. All of you girls are BEAUTIFUL!
Love Eddie & Jan
You ladies have smiles that would light up any dark night! So glad to hear that the scans were good:)
There will be dancing in the choir loft tomorrow when we get to share your news! Keep the faith, Sherrie. The finish line is in sight.
Erin Witherspoon and the ever irrepressible "Sparky Beagle".
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