Hi Everyone!
First of all, I just want to thank everyone who is so inspirational and kind towards me all of the time. Everyone is so nice and thought provoking! Today is my Day #2 and I have just become Neutropenic. To be neutropenic, it means you have no ability to fight infections. I know some folks were planning on visiting today or tomorrow but I may have to ask you to hold off until I am not neutropenic. I'm so sorry. I just don't want to risk any infections which would lengthen my stay at this lovely hospital! Check out the pic of Chris' friend's dog. Look at what he is wearing!
Hi Sherrie,
Nice dog with good taste in jewelry:)
The Beagle Wars continue in Florida. Today Sparky Beagle discovered that he can turn over the kitchen trash can. As luck would have it, I had just emptied the contents of both the indoor and outdoor vacuums into that trash can........ get the picture??
Yeah, I though you would. So both Sparky and I have showered and he is once again a prisoner of war. He will be such a good dog. He will be such a good dog. He will be such a good dog. My new mantra:) Hope you have a wonderful day. Each day you will be gaining strength and we will keep those prayers going.
Erin W.
Hi Sherrie-
I just wanted to let you know that I admire your unwaivering strength and spirit through this difficult time. Your fortitude has made a deep impression upon me and know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Jennifer Merchant
P.S. You look really beautiful in your pictures!
Being neutropenic is a good thing! You can only go up from there!!! Take care.Debbie
Hope today is going smoothly.
Each day gets you closer to getting home! Chris is a really great guy!! Seeing your beautiful smile is so encouraging.
Take Care, Joyce
Hope today is going smoothly.
Each day gets you closer to getting home! Chris is a really great guy!! Seeing your beautiful smile is so encouraging.
Take Care, Joyce
Hope today is going smoothly.
Each day gets you closer to getting home! Chris is a really great guy!! Seeing your beautiful smile is so encouraging.
Take Care, Joyce
Hope today is going smoothly.
Each day gets you closer to getting home! Chris is a really great guy!! Seeing your beautiful smile is so encouraging.
Take Care, Joyce
Hi Sherrie, I'm at work and it's my moment to say hello to you and let you know you've been in my thoughts and prayers all day as usual! That dog necklace is hilarious! My parent's are off to Europe today, can you imagine Stu in Paris? LOOK OUT FRANCE! Hope you're feeling well today.
Margaritas are waiting ;)
Hi Sherrie! Congratulations on Day 2. Now you are on the upswing! I love the photos and updates and check up on you daily. I agree that you look beautiful in your photos...it must be all that optimism and determination shining through! Hang in there and you will be home soon.
Jill Sandberg
I am at a restaurant and the Stones just came on playing I'm so Hot for Her...It made me smile thinking of you on the cow bell, Chris on the pot, and Gary with his grunting voice. The Tuebers can take the Brady's and Osmond's any day!
Hi sherrie just wanted to say hello and let you know am thinking of you. I love the dog necklace!
Stay strong.Love,karen
Sherrie, you look amazing. I love the website and have been reading it daily. Just wanted to let you know that my sister has been reading to and has been inspired to write a paper on hodgkins lymphoma for her bio of a cancer cell class. She is about to graduate from college! I hope to be down to Chicago soon!
Love Barrett
We think about you at RT all the time. You are an inspiration to more people than you will ever know. Keep up your courageous fight as we are all praying for you.
I just read my post and realized that typing on the Blackberry caused me to make it not a Teuber, but a Tueber. Sorry!
Your dyslexic friend ...
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