Dear Family and Friends,
Welcome to my blog! I recieved such great news from Northwestern on Good Friday. Due to the chemotherapy I was receiving (Gemzar, Navalbene and Doxil), I had a wonderful response and the doctors want to admit me for a stem cell transplant on Tuesday, April 25. Although I got great news, the hard journey is not over yet. I still have to endure intense chemotherapy, and side effects while being unable to fight infection and living in the hospital for 3-4 weeks. Check out my blog daily, as I will have posted audio and written messages to all of you, as well as pictures from the hospital. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Spring, and I can't wait to see and talk to all of you soon!
Dear Maureen,
Thank you for the prayers! Hope to meet you soon!
Dear Sherrie,
I'm writing this from a hotel in Venice, w/U.Stu and Lauren. I hope this message gets to you, as I'm uncertain of how I'm doing this for the first time! We've been following your progress as we "flit" around Europe and want you to know that even though we are far away, we are close in spirit! Just hang on and hold on there girlfriend, because the best is yet to come for you! We truly believe in God's healing presence in your life and that He will bless you for your patience in long suffering and persistance in not giving up and trusting in Him! "If you are patiently waiting and perhaps in your darkest hour often precedes the most radiant dawn. It is impossible for you to suffer unjustly for His sake,truly to take up your cross and follow Him, w/o one day experiencing the exaltation by Him that He has promised in such verses as John l2:24, Romans 8:l7, Philippians 2:9,James 4:l0 & l:l2, lPeterl:6. Get someone to read these scriptures for you, as they will speak to your spirit and bring you hope! We love you and hope to see you AT HOME soon! Barb, Stu, and Lauren
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