Thursday, June 07, 2007

Surgery Possibility and Scan Results

Hi There,
I just wanted to let you know that I was down at the hospital all day on Monday, Tuesday and today. My scans are all clean, and scar tissue in my chest is getting smaller. Also, my bones are showing up as stronger, and healing on the scans.

Today, something strange happened on the way to Northwestern. I was walking down the stairs and felt the nail holding the rod in my femur click and move. By the time I got downtown, I could barely walk, and I had a huge lump bigger than a golfball right above my kneecap.

We ran to an emergency appointment at Dr. Fox's and everything is in place! The screws haven't moved. Very strange situation. He cited that it is inflammatory bursitis and we can't figure out why I have it. If the problem persists over the weekend, or if I choose to, I am having surgery next Friday to cut through my muscle and remove the nail from my leg. I am just worried that will be a long recovery time. I had a horribly extended recovery time after the rod was put in my femur. We'll see what happens!



Anonymous said...

Sherrie, I hope your leg is feeling better! :) Julie

Anonymous said...

Dear Sherrie: That is fantastic news. I am so happy that your scans are clean and that your bones are getting stronger. You are doing great.

Anonymous said...

What's the verdict, surgery or no surgery?

Sherrie said...

I am going to try and tough it out...No surgery for now.