Monday, February 12, 2007

Dr. Fox

Hi There!
It is almost my one year anniversary of my femur surgery. Last February, I had a rod put in my femur because the disease was so bad in my left hip, they needed to protect the area. I have been having a massive amount of hip and knee pain as of late, and went to Dr. Fox today to get X-Rays and check it out. The X-Ray could show if any Hodgkin's Disease were back, and luckily it didn't. He put me on a prescription of Alleve twice a day. He said that for anti-inflammatory purposes, he thinks that the drug in Alleve is better than Ibuprofen in Advil. Also, with Advil, you need to take three pills, three times a day, whereas with Alleve, you only need to take two pills, twice a day. If any of you are having some aches and pains, I guess Alleve is the way to go!

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