Hi Everyone!
I just wanted to give everyone a little update:)
Months ago, my fertility doctor told me that I was in menopause. A couple of days ago, I started spotting. I ran to my OB Gyn this week and he did hormone level tests to see if the menopause theory was true. He also ordered an ultrasound of my uterus due to the uncommon spotting. I had the ultrasound today, and everything is great, thankfully. The bad news is my hormone levels came back, and I am far along into menopause, and won't recover. I knew that this was the likely situation for me (considering I have had 15 different chemos in the last year) but it is just hard to hear it again! Luckily, if I need eggs, I have Katie and Lizzie to back me up! And, by the time I am ready to have kids, who knows what advancements will be out there!
I also received flowers today from my friends Maureen, Kara and Julie from college. I will take and pic for the blog! They are so bright and cheerful. They really made my day!