Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Sunday, May 21, 2006
A Little Evil
A Great Book
Hello All,
I am finally home, hopefully to stay! I wanted to let you all know about a friend of mine named Anita Hockers. Anita is a friend and neighbor from Door County who is one tough cookie! She endured Stage III breast cancer last year, and has written a wonderful book about her journey. Here is a synopsis of her trial.
With an unfavorable genetic profile, Anita always feared having breast cancer. When her worst nightmare became reality, she confronted her illness head on. Refusing to wallow in self-pity, she relied on the love and support of family and friends, using every medical intervention available to stop this insidious killer in its tracks.
You will laugh, cry and empathize with this gritty, stubborn, determined woman as she tells how she endured the loss of her hair, fingernails and skin, and nearly every female part of her body, in her valiant fight for survival. You will spend time in her world of doctors, technicians, and nurses where chemotherapy, surgery and radiation are the draconian weapons of choice against a monstrous disease that strikes one in seven women. You will be transported as she shares her intimate thoughts of frustration, anger, fear, and hope in this inspirational narrative of an ordinary woman who faced extraordinary challenges during her diagnosis, treatment and recovery from breast cancer.
Anita Marie DuJardin Hockers was born and raised in Green Bay. She graduated from UWGB with a degree in Marketing and Communications. Anita is a twenty-one month survivor of breast cancer and tries to make every day count with a positive attitude and a smile. She lives in Green Bay with her husband Ray and their two children.
Orders can be placed by emailing breastless@new.rr.com.
I started reading her book today and I can't put it down! Anita is such an inspiration to me, and such a supportive friend!
I am finally home, hopefully to stay! I wanted to let you all know about a friend of mine named Anita Hockers. Anita is a friend and neighbor from Door County who is one tough cookie! She endured Stage III breast cancer last year, and has written a wonderful book about her journey. Here is a synopsis of her trial.
With an unfavorable genetic profile, Anita always feared having breast cancer. When her worst nightmare became reality, she confronted her illness head on. Refusing to wallow in self-pity, she relied on the love and support of family and friends, using every medical intervention available to stop this insidious killer in its tracks.
You will laugh, cry and empathize with this gritty, stubborn, determined woman as she tells how she endured the loss of her hair, fingernails and skin, and nearly every female part of her body, in her valiant fight for survival. You will spend time in her world of doctors, technicians, and nurses where chemotherapy, surgery and radiation are the draconian weapons of choice against a monstrous disease that strikes one in seven women. You will be transported as she shares her intimate thoughts of frustration, anger, fear, and hope in this inspirational narrative of an ordinary woman who faced extraordinary challenges during her diagnosis, treatment and recovery from breast cancer.
Anita Marie DuJardin Hockers was born and raised in Green Bay. She graduated from UWGB with a degree in Marketing and Communications. Anita is a twenty-one month survivor of breast cancer and tries to make every day count with a positive attitude and a smile. She lives in Green Bay with her husband Ray and their two children.
Orders can be placed by emailing breastless@new.rr.com.
I started reading her book today and I can't put it down! Anita is such an inspiration to me, and such a supportive friend!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Saturday, May 19
Dear Friends,
Sherrie is home! We're so happy. Her temperature was normal for 24 hours so they let her go home. She's a little weak but very very glad to be home & in her own bed tonight. Enough of the hospital stuff!
Sherrie is home! We're so happy. Her temperature was normal for 24 hours so they let her go home. She's a little weak but very very glad to be home & in her own bed tonight. Enough of the hospital stuff!
Friday, May 19, 2006
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Dear Friends,
Sherrie is still pretty weak tonight & continues to have a fever. They told us she has a blood infection called
"Gram Positive Cocci Bacteria". Sounds complicated but they treat this with antibiotics. I would imagine she will probably be here till Saturday . It's very frustrating for Sherrie , but she's a real trooper. I hope the time is going by fast for her as she has been sleeping alot today due to the fever. Lizzie is on night duty tonight & I am sleeping across the street at the Wyndahm. My sister has also been with us all day as usual "we're so lucky".
Sherrie is still pretty weak tonight & continues to have a fever. They told us she has a blood infection called
"Gram Positive Cocci Bacteria". Sounds complicated but they treat this with antibiotics. I would imagine she will probably be here till Saturday . It's very frustrating for Sherrie , but she's a real trooper. I hope the time is going by fast for her as she has been sleeping alot today due to the fever. Lizzie is on night duty tonight & I am sleeping across the street at the Wyndahm. My sister has also been with us all day as usual "we're so lucky".
Thursday, May 18
Dear Friends,
Sherrie is still pretty tired & weak. They found out from a culture she has a slight blood infection & that is what 's causing the fever. It's very typical to have this after a transplant. About 60% of the patients come back soon with some type of infection , it's just that their immune system has been compromised with all the chemo. They have her on 2 different antibiotics & hopefully when her fever is gone for 24 hours she can go home.
Sherrie is still pretty tired & weak. They found out from a culture she has a slight blood infection & that is what 's causing the fever. It's very typical to have this after a transplant. About 60% of the patients come back soon with some type of infection , it's just that their immune system has been compromised with all the chemo. They have her on 2 different antibiotics & hopefully when her fever is gone for 24 hours she can go home.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Wednesday, May 17
Gary just took Sherrie back to the hosp. at 3:53 am this morning. We had been tracking a temperature since 6:00 last night &
didn't want to take any chances. Back down to Northwestern!
didn't want to take any chances. Back down to Northwestern!
Monday, May 15, 2006
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Friday, May 12, 2006
Day +11
Dear Friends,
Sherrie was very disappointed today as she was not able to go home. They started to ween her off of her medicine last night
& she got sick this morning. Her doctors thought it was the best thing for her to do is stay another day. Everything Sherrie has been through in the last year - what's one more night in the hosp! Her Dad is staying with her tonight as well as Chris. Hopefully Sherrie will feel better tomorrow & can come home. What a wonderful Mother's Day it will be!
Sherrie was very disappointed today as she was not able to go home. They started to ween her off of her medicine last night
& she got sick this morning. Her doctors thought it was the best thing for her to do is stay another day. Everything Sherrie has been through in the last year - what's one more night in the hosp! Her Dad is staying with her tonight as well as Chris. Hopefully Sherrie will feel better tomorrow & can come home. What a wonderful Mother's Day it will be!
Day +11 and hopefully leaving
Have you ever met someone in your life that is just completely infectious? You like them so much, and even though you know they will be in your life for a short time, they have left an imprint on your soul. That is what my evening nurse, Maria, was like at Northwestern. She was pretty and kind, and took care of me more than you could ever have known, I think that is what a guardian angel is like, Someone who you don't anticipate being there, and then when they're are gone, you realize how much you are missing by not having them in your life. I am just a little sad of this gloomy Friday morning.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Day +10

Hi Everybody! I need everyone to be doing the high count dance! My WBC count is at 1.0, which is not great but still a big step up from not having any counts. Hopefully my Absolute Neutrophil will follow suit and I can be out of the transplant floor either tomorrow or early Saturday! I really want to get home on Friday if they let me!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Day +9
Getting ready to go home. My white blood cell count went up to 0.4. This number often goes up exponentially, therefore, it jumps very high, very fast. Once the white numbers go up, any signs of neutropenia mucousitis and other physical problems start to diminish. My doctor said I might go home in 3-4 days! I had my nurse Jody shave my head today, since I am losing my hair again anyhow. I'd rather chop off my hair, than allow the side effects of chemo do it for me. My Mom, Dad, and Auntie are the best. They spend every day and every night taking care of me and I wouldn't be able to do this without them. (Transcribed by Dad. I am still not able to type just yet)
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Dear Friends,
Sherrie is still pretty weak today. She can barely get out of bed but managed to take a few laps around the floor. This is due to all the medication she is on. This is very important so she keeps her lungs clear & free from pneumonia. Her counts went up today to .2 & her platelets were at 40. This is a turning point as now she is running to 3rd base & almost there. Sherrie is the bravest person I have ever known and never complains. The mucositis was a stage 4 & her entire mouth & GI tract was inflamed. She has not been able to swallow for a few days & has been given all of her nourishment from an IV. She has been in terrible pain. Both of my sisters were here all day today. What would I do without my sisters. My sister Sherrie is here every day & stays with Sherrie some nights to give Gary & I a break. She's like Sherrie's second mother, anything she needs Auntie is there for her. Hopefully tomorrows counts will be up & she will be one day closer to coming home..
For now....
Sherrie is still pretty weak today. She can barely get out of bed but managed to take a few laps around the floor. This is due to all the medication she is on. This is very important so she keeps her lungs clear & free from pneumonia. Her counts went up today to .2 & her platelets were at 40. This is a turning point as now she is running to 3rd base & almost there. Sherrie is the bravest person I have ever known and never complains. The mucositis was a stage 4 & her entire mouth & GI tract was inflamed. She has not been able to swallow for a few days & has been given all of her nourishment from an IV. She has been in terrible pain. Both of my sisters were here all day today. What would I do without my sisters. My sister Sherrie is here every day & stays with Sherrie some nights to give Gary & I a break. She's like Sherrie's second mother, anything she needs Auntie is there for her. Hopefully tomorrows counts will be up & she will be one day closer to coming home..
For now....
Monday, May 08, 2006
Day +7
Hello to all,
Sherrie is pretty out of it today. They have her on a morphine pump for the pain & needless to say she is extremely tired.
Last night they gave her oxygen & also a platlet transfusion. As I am writing you today they are giving her 2 pints of blood. Her counts are still very low & should start climbing tomorrow (day +8). Everything she is going thru is very typical of her condition & the doctors were expecting all the symptoms. Her mucosis started earlier than most people as she was given a larger does of BEAM. They gave her the European protocol as they want to wack this disease and say being young she can handle it.
For now....
Sherrie is pretty out of it today. They have her on a morphine pump for the pain & needless to say she is extremely tired.
Last night they gave her oxygen & also a platlet transfusion. As I am writing you today they are giving her 2 pints of blood. Her counts are still very low & should start climbing tomorrow (day +8). Everything she is going thru is very typical of her condition & the doctors were expecting all the symptoms. Her mucosis started earlier than most people as she was given a larger does of BEAM. They gave her the European protocol as they want to wack this disease and say being young she can handle it.
For now....
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Day +6

Hello All,
Sorry it has been a few days since I have posted! I haven't been feeling that great so....The oral mucousitis has set in very bad. I don't so much have mouth sores, as I have bad sores down my throat and esophugus which is making it so difficult for me to talk. I am on a constant Pain Pump, all of my meds have gone to oral and my nutrition has as well.
Yesterday was very exciting though because not only did my fabulous parents come to visit but my wonderful little sisters as well! And Gary and Britta are coming today. The only one who can't make it is my sweet little furry boyfriend, Barney. I can't wait to go home and see him!
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Day +5
Today is Saturday & Sherrie has been here 11 days. It seems like an eternity for her. She is such a brave young girl,
and has a wonderful attitude. She complains about nothing & knows this is the job she has to do right now. She has a problem swallowing as her GI tract is inflamed due to the chemotherapy. She will be getting food through her IV line starting tonight. She knows this is temporary, & as soon as her counts are up she will begin to feel better. She tries walking around the floor because the nurses told her the people that get up & about get well faster. She's all for that! Today Dad brought Katie downtown to see Sherrie, & Lizzie is on her way from Butler. Sherrie is very excited about seeing her sisters & brother.
Have a Great Saturday!
Gloria and Gary
and has a wonderful attitude. She complains about nothing & knows this is the job she has to do right now. She has a problem swallowing as her GI tract is inflamed due to the chemotherapy. She will be getting food through her IV line starting tonight. She knows this is temporary, & as soon as her counts are up she will begin to feel better. She tries walking around the floor because the nurses told her the people that get up & about get well faster. She's all for that! Today Dad brought Katie downtown to see Sherrie, & Lizzie is on her way from Butler. Sherrie is very excited about seeing her sisters & brother.
Have a Great Saturday!
Gloria and Gary
Friday, May 05, 2006
Hello Everyone,
Sherrie is doing well. Her white counts are rock bottom, so the only way to go from here is up. As expected some side effects are showing up. Her throat is extremely sore, so swallowing is a problem. Throwing up and nausea have been a problem also. Lot's of pain medications are being tried, so groggy periods throughout the day and night are typical. Hopefully, she will be in better shape and "outta here" in week. Stay tuned...
Sherrie is doing well. Her white counts are rock bottom, so the only way to go from here is up. As expected some side effects are showing up. Her throat is extremely sore, so swallowing is a problem. Throwing up and nausea have been a problem also. Lot's of pain medications are being tried, so groggy periods throughout the day and night are typical. Hopefully, she will be in better shape and "outta here" in week. Stay tuned...
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Day +3
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Day +2

Hi Everyone!
First of all, I just want to thank everyone who is so inspirational and kind towards me all of the time. Everyone is so nice and thought provoking! Today is my Day #2 and I have just become Neutropenic. To be neutropenic, it means you have no ability to fight infections. I know some folks were planning on visiting today or tomorrow but I may have to ask you to hold off until I am not neutropenic. I'm so sorry. I just don't want to risk any infections which would lengthen my stay at this lovely hospital! Check out the pic of Chris' friend's dog. Look at what he is wearing!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Just Checking In
Hi All,
I am on Day +1! Only about 500,000 more to go! Just kidding. The docs told me yesterday that if I don't have any bad fevers or infections that I could be out around Day +9 or +10. Please pray that this is the case. Now that I have my stem cells, I am rather anxious. I feel like I got the chemo, got my stem cells and now I am ready to go! I am such an active person and sitting in a hospital room does not do me justice! I can't wait to go home! I should probably work on the needlepoints that I have been promising people for like 30 years!
I am on Day +1! Only about 500,000 more to go! Just kidding. The docs told me yesterday that if I don't have any bad fevers or infections that I could be out around Day +9 or +10. Please pray that this is the case. Now that I have my stem cells, I am rather anxious. I feel like I got the chemo, got my stem cells and now I am ready to go! I am such an active person and sitting in a hospital room does not do me justice! I can't wait to go home! I should probably work on the needlepoints that I have been promising people for like 30 years!
Monday, May 01, 2006
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